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How much is an imported water jet cutter

2020-11-10 16:31:59

How much is a water cutting machine? The price of water knife is affected by the following aspects

Water jet configuration is different, so the price is different

Water knives are divided into three axes, four axes and five axes, so the price is different.

Each model of water jet machine tool is different in size, so the price is different.

Whether the water jet is durable or not depends on different quality standards, so the price is different.

Whether the quotation of water jet includes tax, freight and training installation, so the price is different.

Based on the above factors and the advantages and disadvantages of the water jet market, there are generally two types of prices.

Class: reliable quality, low failure rate, good after-sales service. Price: 230000 to 800000.

The second category: poor quality, high failure rate, poor after-sales, not manufacturers. The price is about 180000 to 800000.

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